Monday, June 2, 2014

A Year of Many Firsts


That's right. I am a teacher. After all of these years, I can finally say that. It's overwhelming and emotional.With that being said, there were many people who tried to discourage me from reaching my goals. I had people say different things starting with "teaching is the lazy way out" extending all the way to "do something else, you'll never get a teaching job." Even after all of these people had told me it was impossible to get a job, I pursued my lifelong dream of becoming a teacher. The people that insisted I would not get a job didn't get much of a rise out of me. Instead I just looked at them, smiled and politely said "anyone who wants to become a teacher WILL become a teacher. I will do whatever it takes to get myself a classroom... just watch." They still had their doubts but I seriously believe that if a person has the true heart of a teacher then s/he will find a way. No matter what.

Needless to say (as you can see by the title of my blog) I did get a job. One week after I graduated I secured a job in the UK. I will be 22 years old with my own classroom. In just a few months I will be doing what all the nay-sayers insisted I wouldn't be able to do for 10-15 years. TAKE THAT.HOWEVER, the intensity of my hardcore determination to prove EVERYONE wrong has blinded me from what is actually about to happen. I now find myself freaking out a little bit trying to figure out what to plan. My contract will be sent to me in the next few days so I will know for sure which grade (or year, as they call it in the UK) I will be teaching which I think will ease my mind a little bit!

For now, I am enjoying my time looking through blogs from fellow teachers to decide how to organize my classroom and essentially how to organize my LIFE.

This is going to be an adventure.


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